When I started my business, my ambitions were high. I was going to get so much done. Then the months went by and slowly I was getting more and more distracted. The kids needed to be taken care of, my kitchen was begging to be cleaned, I could work after the kids went to sleep, etc., etc. Several months in, I looked at myself and said, “What have you been doing for your business?” The answer was, very little.
I decided that I had to get organized. When I was in college, I had my schedule of when I would go in, when my assignments were due, and when I could take off. This helped a lot with accountability and making sure I got things done. I simply had to mirror that for my own business.
This is where Google Calendar comes in. With this wonderful technology, I was able to make myself a work schedule and sync it with my life. I now know when I need to reconcile certain accounts. I have a set time for working, and that is when I make sure my kids are settled and quiet, giving me at least a couple hours or more of dedicated work. With this calendar, I was even able to make sure that my meetings were never conflicting. Ahh, the wonders of technology.
If you want to learn more about using Google Calendar to simplify your life and schedule, watch this great video from The Free Mama: https://youtu.be/jNrBszVjFlA.