Hate bookkeeping? Here's why | Aladdin Bookkeeping

Hate Your Bookkeeping? Here’s Four Reasons Why

Most business owners hate doing the bookkeeping work. Each of us have our own kind of talents and weaknesses. This is what makes our world a beautiful place. That’s why in business it’s always best to outsource the things that you are least talented in. For me, that was my website. But for you, it might be your bookkeeping. Let’s look into what the most challenging things about bookkeeping are.

  1. Number one thing: math. Many people are afraid of numbers. There are a lot of numbers in business to keep track. You need to track your income and where it’s coming from. Expenses need to be tracked to protect cashflow. Even your loans and credit cards need to be watched over to protect yourself from too much debt. All these numbers make it difficult for people who struggle with numbers.
  2. It takes too much time. As a business grows, so does its transactions. This all adds up when you’re trying to do your bookkeeping yourself. Bookkeeping in itself is not a money making task. Think about this the next time you’re doing your bookkeeping. Is your time better spent elsewhere?
  3. Mistakes do happen a lot in bookkeeping, especially with untrained users. As these problems build up, the bookkeeping can get more and more difficult. These problems will continue to grow, creating more stress for the business owner.
  4. The larger the business the more complicated the books. A business that is in high growth phase will continue to increase in the number of transactions. These transactions will also get more and more complex. You might start having loans, asset purchases, and complicated tax procedures. An untrained user won’t know how to put these in the books. This can lead to lost deductions come tax time.

I always like to recommend for my potential clients to look at what they would rather do with their time. Time is limited whereas money can always be made again. Where are you deciding to put your time and effort in? Is it in something you hate, like bookkeeping, or doing what you love? Reach out if you’re done doing your own bookkeeping!


About Aladdin Bookkeeping

Our passion is helping tradesmen, especially electricians, HVAC professionals, and painting contractors, get through the mess of their Quickbooks Online and put them on the path to success with their bookkeeping. Whether you have several years that need cleaning up or you know that your time is better spent not doing the bookkeeping, we’re happy to help!

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